Alvingham Parish Council
Minutes of Parish Council Meeting
Held on 14th March 2023
Present: Councillor N Ashley
Councillor S Shucksmith
Councillor R Wahlberg
Councillor G Cummings
Clerk: Mrs S McFarland
In Attendance: Councillor E Mossop
Councillor A Hall
No apologies were received prior to the meeting.
Minutes of previous meeting
The minutes of the meeting held on 17th January 2023 were read and approved. They were proposed by Councillor Cummings and Seconded by Councillor Whalberg. Councillor Ashley then signed them as a true copy of the meeting.
Matters Arising
Regarding Ivy Cottage Councillor Hall has been down and engaged with the occupants of the property. He suggested to them that they could fence of the path if they were worried about dogs going into their garden. Diverting the path would be a matter for the residents themselves to apply for and it would be an expensive process. It looks as though the property is for sale or sold which may bring a resolution to the issue.
In relation to the Church Yard Councillor Ashley will have a word with Magnus to see how he is getting on. Dick Parker is owed for this grass cutting for 2022. Councillor Shucksmith will ask him for an invoice.
Treasurers Report
Councillor Cummings advised that the balance in the current account stands at £4700. A cheque is payable to the Clerk and also to Alvingham Village Hall. Both were approved and signed.
No matters arising from the correspondence received.
Other relevant business
The ongoing issue of the defibrillator was discussed. The Clerk was able to update the Council of efforts that have taken place to try and resolve the issues. Essentially the pads are out of date and the battery is losing charge. Replacements need to be obtained. The cabinet is also dated, and we have been advised that a heated cabinet which does not rely on electricity to open it is recommended. The cost of these items totalling £770. It was agreed by all members of the Council that these items should be purchased as they are clearly of considerable benefit to the whole community.
It was noted that Alvingham has not has the speed sign for some time. Councillor Shucksmith will see where we are with the rota and will arrange to collect at the appropriate time.
The request to contribute to the village Coronation celebrations was discussed. It was agreed by all that the sum of £500 would be given towards this event.
The future use of the telephone box was discussed. It was noted that this needs to be refurbished. It was agreed that we would seek views from members of the community as to how it could be used before plans are put in place to have it re painted.
Date and Time of next meeting
Tuesday 20th June 2023 7pm at the Village Hall. Annual Parish Council Meeting.