Alvingham Parish Council

Minutes of Annual Parish Council Meeting

Held on 17th May 2022


Present:                 Councillor N Ashley

                  Councillor A Graves

     Councillor S Shucksmith


Clerk:                       Mrs S McFarland


Election of Officers:

The Chairman opened the meeting and stood down, handing the chair to The Clerk. Each of the Councillors present confirmed they were happy to continue in their role of Councillor for the Parish of Alvingham. It being understood the Councillors who were not in attendance were also happy to continue the Councillors were re-elected on mass. It was proposed that Councillor Ashley be re-appointed as Chairman, no objections were raised to this proposal. Councillor Ashley confirmed that he was happy to continue in this role. It was proposed that Councillor Cummings continue in the role of treasurer. No objection was made to this proposal.



Apologies received from Councillor Cummings and Councillor Hall prior to the meeting


Minutes of previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 17th March 2022 were read and approved. They were proposed by Councillor Ashley and Seconded by Councillor Graves. Councillor Ashley then signed them as a true copy of the meeting.


Matters Arising

Signs have now been purchased and put up around the village reminding people to pick up after their dogs. It was noted that recent reports of Dog fouling had turned out to be from a Fox. The Clerk will post an article that has been found which helps identify different species excrement. It is hoped that this together with the signs will help alleviate the problem.

Regarding the church yard it was agreed that we would wait until autumn to put down wood chippings. Some of the trees in the Church Yard need trimming. We will investigate the possibility of this being done and the branches being chipped and used. Councillor Shucksmith will contact Guy Bishell regarding this.

Councillor Shucksmith has had a go at cutting the grass but it was felt this needs to be done by someone professional.


Treasurers Report

Councillor Cummings had produced a comprehensive report prior to the meeting. It was confirmed that the precept had been received and the current balance in the current account is £6067.40.



ELDC have invited us to apply for a grant towards the cost of our Jubilee Plans. This will be applied for by the Clerk as a matter of urgency.

There were no other items of correspondence that needed discussion.


Platinum Jubilee Celebrations

The Clerk was able to provide a report on the current situation with the Jubilee Plans. Details of the bench which it is proposed should be bought to replace the bench on White Barn Corner were shared with the Councillors. There was some concern as to whether a recycled plastic bench would be aesthetically pleasing and whether it might be better to try and restore the existing bench. It was noted that the base of the existing bench needs some attention, and it was intended that the Jubilee Time Capsule would be buried under the bench. Following some discussion, the proposal to purchase the new recycled plastic bench from KBS Depot was approved. It is hoped that we will be able to secure the grant from ELDC to help with the cost.  


Other relevant business

It was noted that the Bridge Railing on Abbey Road as been repaired.


Date and Time of next meeting

Tuesday 21st June 2022 7pm at the Village Hall.



The Chairman thanked everyone for coming and the meeting was declared closed at 8.15pm.