Alvingham Parish Council

Minutes of Parish Council Meeting

Held on 1st November 2022


Present:               Councillor N Ashley

                Councillor A Graves

                Councillor R Wahlberg

                Councillor G Cummings


Clerk: Mrs S McFarland


In Attendance: Councillor A Hall



Apologies were received from Councillor Mossop prior to the meeting


Minutes of previous meeting

The minutes of the meeting held on 6th September 2022 were read and approved. They were proposed by Councillor Ashely and Seconded by Councillor Cummings. Councillor Ashley then signed them as a true copy of the meeting.


Matters Arising

A response has been received from Lincolnshire Country Council regarding the public footpath in front of Ivy Cottage. It seems the Council have done everything within their power to enforce the public’s right to access the footpath. Their advice is that any threats received by members of the public should be reported to the police. Councillor Cummings has been in touch with the police to appraise them of the situation and potential for further problems and is awaiting a reply.

In relation to the church yard, Magnus has cut the grass once and will cut the trees once the leaves have fallen, probably in January. The chippings will be used on the footpath.

The notice board has been repaired. A letter of thanks will be sent along with a request for details of any costs incurred.


Treasurers Report

Councillor Cummings advised that the balance in the current account stands at £5482.57, the same as at the previous meeting. A cheque is payable to the Clerk.



Communication has taken place with EMAS regarding the defibrillator. They do not have any record of our defibrillator; further enquiries are being made to establish who is responsible for it’s maintenance. The possibility of a second unit being installed in the telephone box was discussed if we are not able to make any progress with the existing one. The proposal for some training on the use of the defibrillator was considered and thought to be a good idea.


Other relevant business

The difficult situation the church finds itself in was discussed. It is understood they need to raise money to remain open. It is not clear how much or how soon this is needed. It was agreed that the Parish Council would like to find a way to help the church if it can. We will invite the church warden to attend our next meeting to advise the Parish Council of what is needed and how we might be able to help. 


Date and Time of next meeting

Tuesday 17th January 2022 7pm at the Village Hall.