Alvingham Parish Council

Minutes of Annual Parish Council Meeting

Held on 20th June 2023


Present:               Councillor N Ashley

               Councillor A Graves

  Councillor S Shucksmith

  Councillor G Cummings

  Councillor V Stratford


Clerk:                    Mrs S McFarland


In Attendance: Councillor A Hall

                              Councillor E Mossop


Members of the public: Mrs V Duncanson

                                           Mrs J Heath

                                           Ms K Tandy


Election of Officers:

The Chairman opened the meeting and stood down, handing the chair to Councillor Hall. Each of the Councillors present confirmed they were happy take on the role of Councillor for the Parish of Alvingham for the period 2023-2027.   It was proposed that Councillor Ashley be re-appointed as Chairman, no objections were raised to this proposal. Councillor Ashley confirmed that he was happy to continue in this role and resumed the Chair.  It was proposed that Councillor Cummings continue in the role of treasurer. No objection was made to this proposal and Councillor Cummings confirmed he was willing to continue. Councillor Stratford was welcomed onto the Parish Council.


None required.

Open Forum

The Chairman welcomed the members of the public in attendance, being nursing professionals, some with Cardiac experience, the Parish Council had invited their advice on the current situation with the defibrillator. Following a series of meetings, they advised that it would not be cost effective to replace the battery and pads on the existing defibrillator as this is reaching the end of its life expectancy. A proposal was put forward for a full new defibrillator and cabinet. Full reasoning is given in their proposal attached.

The Parish Council voted unanimously to accept their proposal as follows:

  1. To purchase the defibrillator package as recommended in the presentation.
  2. To meet the cost of installing said cabinet.
  3. To take responsibility for funding of replacement pads and batteries as required.
  4. To meet the cost of the maintenance package offered by Lives
  5. Training will be arranged and facilitated by the nursing professionals once the equipment is installed.

The Clerk will attend to the purchase of the equipment as a matter of urgency.

Councillor Ashley thanked the ladies for their input into this and for their kind offer of assistance with the training.


Minutes of previous meeting

The minutes of the meeting held on 14th March 2023 were read and approved. They were proposed by Councillor Shucksmith and Seconded by Councillor Graves. Councillor Ashley then signed them as a true copy of the meeting.


Matters Arising

Councillor Shucksmith has not been able to contact the representative from Grainthorpe to move the speed camera. The number needs to be checked in case it has changed.

The arrangement for the Church Yard Maintenance is going OK. Although there needs to be some communication between the Church Warden Mrs Lowis and Magnus the gardener as to how they each envision the result to look. Councillor Ashley will facilitate this.

The problem with the footpath along the canal is ongoing, although there have not been any further incidents reported. It was noted that Anglian Water may be looking into a project to encourage tourism along the canal as well as improving drainage.


Treasurers Report

Councillor Cummings presented a report for the end of year accounts which are due to be submitted. (See Attached). The accounts were approved by all members of the Parish Council and duly signed as necessary ready for submission by the Clerk.

So far as the current year is concerned, the coronation celebrations resulted in an expenditure of £200.35 by the Parish Council. The surplus funds are due to be returned to the Village Hall and the Social Club and cheques were authorised for these payments to be made.

An invoice has been received for the Parish Election and a cheque was written to cover this payment.

Dick Parker has now been paid for last years’ grass cutting and the Insurance premium has also been paid.

Barclays Bank have asked for a form to be completed. The Treasurer asked the Clerk to complete and return this.



There was nothing arising from the correspondence that required further discussion.


Other relevant business

The process which East Lindsey expected the council to follow to submit their nomination papers was brought up by Councillor Ashley. There had been issues created by the need to hand deliver the papers to the new office in Horncastle and the need to make an appointment to do so. Councillor Ashley was kept waiting for over an hour when he took the paperwork in and did not feel the process was acceptable. After some discussion it was agreed the clerk would write to ELDC  to express our dissatisfaction with the process.

Councillor Cummings raised the number of potholes along Louth Road with Councillor Hall. It is believed that 37 potholes have been highlighted by the Triathlon Club for the safety of their cyclists. The large pothole opposite Pridgeon’s farm has returned despite being fixed several times. Councillor Ashley felt something more than patching was needed to fix this particular pothole. Councillor Hall explained that funding is simply not available to carry out the repairs despite work being undertaken in all the neighbouring villages. He did not feel bombarding the Fix My Street page with lots of reports would be helpful. Councillor Stratford urged him to try to secure funding to enable the work to be done for the safety of people who use the road regularly.

Councillor Mossop advised the Parish Council that some District Councillor funding may be available which could help with the cost of the defibrillator. Councillor Cummings will make an urgent application for funding.

There being no other matters to be discussed, the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 8.30pm and thanked everyone for their continued hard work.


Date and Time of next meeting

Tuesday 5th September 2023 7pm at the Village Hall.