Minutes of Meeting 25th June 2024

Alvingham Parish Council


Minutes of Parish Council Meeting


Held on 25th  June  2024


Present:               Councillor N Ashley

               Councillor V Stratford

               Councillor G Cummings

  Councillor A Graves


Clerk:                    Mrs S McFarland






There were no apologies received prior to the meeting



Minutes of meeting held on 21st May


The minutes from the previous meeting on 21st May 2024 were read and approved by all. Councillor Stratford proposed them to be a true record of that meeting and Councillor Cummings seconded this. Councillor Ashley signed them as a true copy.


Matters Arising


The telephone box – a team of volunteers from the village have kindly offered to carry out the refurbishments of the telephone box. The Parish Council will pay for the materials needed. Councillor Cummings will work with the volunteers to complete the necessary work and report back to the Council on their progress.


The Alvingham Cup – this has been sent for re silvering.


Approval of annual accounts


Councillor Cummings produced a report detailing the years accounts. All councillors approved the accounts. Councillor Graves proposed that they be submitted, and Councillor Stratford seconded this. Documentation was duly signed as required and the treasurer will get Mr Hayward to independently check them ready for the clerk to submit before 1st July.


Treasurers Report


Current balance £5919.89. No cheques or payments pending.





The E Mail regarding rights of way was discussed. There may be some merit in reporting the overgrown public footpath along the canal near Ivy Cottage. The Clerk will action this.


Any Other Business


No other business was raised.


Next Meeting


Tuesday 10th September 2024 7.30pm.