
We need your help

Recently the parish council was made aware that the defibrillator at the village hall was in need of an upgrade. We are blessed in the village to have a group of medical professionals who were monitoring the existing machine and voiced their concerns to the council

The machine had been called upon a few times recently so it was clear to the council it needed updating…and quickly

With advice from this team, and using emergency parish council funds a new machine has been purchased from the British Heart foundation and installed very quickly at the village hall

These funds will need to be replaced so look out for fund raising events in the coming months, but obviously it was urgent to get the new machine asap

Huge thanks to the expert team of ladies for their advice and guidance, to the village hall for agreeing to site it again and provide the electricity to keep it dry and fully charged at all times, and Stuart Parker for fitting it.

If you would like to know more about the machine please contact Suzanne McFarland the parish clerk, who is also the designated guardian of the machine. She will also coordinate the team of village professionals to monitor the machine so it will be ready to be used if needed

Another great example of all skills and talents in this wonderful village working together for the good of the community

Published: Monday, 17th July 2023